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Maple Q無麩質純素楓糖班戟粉150g ( Best before 12/25)

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適合對麩質敏感或容易皮膚敏感(包括濕疹)人仕食用。成份健康,我們用楓樹糖取代了精煉白糖,而且糖含量比一般市面出售的少達十倍,選用無加入天然海鹽,無需加蛋,無麩質純素食,不含人造乳化劑、人造色素、人造增味劑和防腐劑。整個製作過程比一般舊式班㦸粉方便衛生,安全簡單,香港製造。 只需簡單加入200ml水/植物奶/牛奶攪拌即可。 使用方法: 1. 將整包粉倒入大碗 2. 加入200ml水/植物奶/豆漿/牛奶 3. 輕輕攪拌至均勻 4. 將適量班戟粉漿煎1至2分鐘 GF Vegan Pancake預拌粉多用途! 用嚟整Pancake、窩夫、日式魚仔夾餅 、 格仔餅 、crêpes甜薄撐、鹹薄撐等~ Maple Q Gluten Free Vegan Maple Pancake Mix is made with premium and natural ingredients but no artificial flavors, artificial color, preservative nor artificial emulsifiers. It is suitable for people who have eczema problems or are allergic to gluten. Also it is vegan too! Add 200ml of water or any plant milk to the pancake powder and mix until smooth.. In seconds you will feel like a top chef making the best pancakes in town. Adding a bit of our maple Q syrup on top makes it a perfect breakfast or snack for everyone!

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